Easy Mexican Dip from GOODEness Gracious

Remember Dipstock? Yea, it’s been almost a month ago and I just now realized I made a horrendous oversight. One of Dipstock’s most active participants, Cris Goode, made a dip for Dipstock and I didn’t feature it here as promised.

Maybe you recall Cris from Halloween Dipstock. She made FOUR dips then, including a zesty bacon spread. If you haven’t checked out Cris’ site, you should. She features recipes from the Gooseberry Patch cookbook plus a lot of other fab topics.


Easy Mexican Dip Recipe

via Gooseberry Patch

*1, 8 oz block cream cheese
*2 T taco seasoning
*1/4 c. tomato juice

Instructions: 1. Mix ingredients together. (Heat for 20 seconds in microwave if needed) until smooth. 2. Serve with tortillia chips.

Other Mexican-Inspired Sauces and Dips

Velveeta and salsa dip

Seven-layer dip

Enchilada sauce

Green chile


  1. This is my kind of dip! Quick and easy. I’m definitely going to try it soon.

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