Cook Something New Every Day for 31 Days (#31daycooks)

cook something new every day for 31 days

A friend of mine recently completed a month-long challenge where she did something new every day. She made a cheesecake and sang karaoke for the first time! This inspired me to try something similar — only my challenge will happen solely in the kitchen. This upcoming January I plan to make my own yogurt, bake my own dippers (baking, yikes!), plus complete 29 more new-to-me recipes. Will you join me in my 31-day challenge?

You’ll find  a lot of the recipes I conquer here on Saucy Dipper and you can find me talking it up on social media using #31daycooks. You are invited to do the same!

Now’s your chance to master the wok or overcome your fear of frozen foods or…whatever! Take this opportunity to start the year off in a tasty way by becoming a more adventurous cook in the company of friends.

Remember, if you participate, let us all know by using #31daycooks on Twitter, Instagram, and Google+. Feel free to share your links here in the comments, too. Can’t wait to see what you cook up!


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