A Fine Place to Dip. Iowa, You Rock.

I recently visited family in Iowa and forced them to endure my Saucy Dippiness. I don’t think they minded, though. At least I saw them take seconds and willingly take leftovers home, which leads me to believe they enjoyed themselves. But then again, my mom and nephew did a lot of the cooking, so they… Continue reading A Fine Place to Dip. Iowa, You Rock.

A Patriotic Blueberry Sauce and One More Day of Dipstock

Ahhhh, summer holidays.  The best part is always the food. At least the dips and sauces make the event for me anyway. This morning I decided to start the weekend off right by making a saucy blueberry breakfast. What better way to say “I love you America” than with pancakes, blueberry sauce, strawberries, and whipped… Continue reading A Patriotic Blueberry Sauce and One More Day of Dipstock

How To Make Sauce: Starting Off Easy With Cranberry Sauce

I’ve established that I’m a novice sauce maker, but what I haven’t established is that I’m a pro at eating them. Seriously, sauce (and bacon) makes everything better. As the first in a long series of posts about how to make sauce, I’m covering an easy cranberry sauce. This recipe is so simple that I… Continue reading How To Make Sauce: Starting Off Easy With Cranberry Sauce